Inside Each Passport

This article will show you how to update or add to Passports for clients in your Maryland Justice Passport organization account.

Accessing a litigant’s Passport is helpful in many ways. Most importantly, you can use a litigant’s Passport to learn the details about their case. When you are “pinged” on a Passport, the litigant will be expecting that you will contact them, which you can do by using the contact information in their Passport. When you get in touch with them, the information you learned by reading their Passport will save both you and the litigant time during intake.

You can also use a litigant’s Passport to help them keep their case moving forward. Partners can change the status of a litigant’s referral to keep them up to date. To help the litigant stay organized, partners can also add tasks, notes, files, and events to litigants’ Passports. Even if you can’t represent a litigant, you can help their case progress by referring them to other organizations.

How to view the Passports that you have created

On the Passports page, click "Passports I Created" underneath the Passports page.

Please note that accessing the Passports you've created is dependent on the number of days in your organization's settings. You can update the number of days by following the how to edit passport access days section in the Organization Profile article.

How to view and edit litigant information
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport. You will already be on the "Litigant Info" tab, where you can view the litigant's information, mailing address, and Passport ID number.

  2. If you need to make an update, select the "Edit" button near the top right corner of the screen.

  3. Click into the boxes and make edits as needed.

  4. Select the "Save" button near the top right corner of the screen.

How to view and edit case information
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. Select the "Case Info" tab. This tab shows case type, county of dispute, case summary, and information on the opposing party, if applicable.

  3. If you need to make an update, select the "Edit" button near the top right corner of the screen.

  4. Click into the boxes and make edits as needed.

  5. Select the "Save" button near the top right corner of the screen.

How to view and edit files
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Files" tab, you can view all the files on the Passport.

  3. If you need to edit a file, click on the file name of the file that you want to edit to open the details for that file.

  4. Click the "Edit" button.

  5. Click the "Save" button to save your updates.

  6. To go back to the "Files" tab, click on "Back to (litigant name)" at the top of the screen. For example, if the litigant's name is Sarah Jones, click on "Back to Sarah Jones."

How to add a file
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Files" tab, click the "Add New" button on the upper right of the screen.

  3. Write a file name that will help the litigant remember what the file is. A file name must be entered.

  4. The "File Description" field is optional. You can enter details about the file that may be helpful to the litigant in the future, such as the date the file was received.

  5. Click the "Save" button.

  6. After clicking "Save," you'll return to the "Files" tab.

  7. To add more files, repeat steps 3 through 8.

How to delete a file
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Files" tab, click on the file name of the file that you want to delete to open the details for that file.

  3. Once you click "Delete" the 2nd time to confirm that you want to delete the file, you may be directed to the "Litigant Info" tab in the Passport. To keep working on the litigant's files, click on the "Files" tab.

How to download a file
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Files" tab, you will see each of the files.

  3. Click on the small image of the file. A preview of the file will be displayed, or you may see a message that says, "This file cannot be opened."

How to view and edit notes
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Notes" tab, you will see a rectangle for each note. The rectangle displays the note name and the date the note was added.

  3. Click on a note to open it and view the details.

  4. If you need to make an update, click the "Edit" button to make changes to the Note Name or Note Details.

  5. Select the "Save" button to save your updates.

  6. To go back to the "Notes" tab, click on "Back to (litigant name)" at the top of the screen. For example, if the litigant's name is Sarah Jones, click on "Back to Sarah Jones."

How to add a note
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Notes" tab, click the "Add New" button on the upper right of the screen.

  3. Write a note name to help the litigant what the note is about. A note name must be entered.

  4. The "Note Details" field is optional. You can write as much as you would like.

  5. Click the "Save" button .

  6. After clicking "Save", you'll return to the "Notes" tab.

  7. To add more notes, repeat steps 1 through 4.

How to view and edit tasks
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Tasks" tab, you will see a rectangle for each task. The rectangle displays the task name, status, and due date.

  3. Click on a task to open it and view the details. To download a file in the task, follow the steps below.

    • Click on the small image of the file. A preview of the file will be displayed, or you may see a message that says, "This file cannot be opened."

  4. To go back to the "Tasks" tab, click on "Back to (litigant name)" at the top of the screen. For example, if the litigant's name is Sarah Jones, click on "Back to Sarah Jones."

How to add a task
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Tasks" tab, click the "Add New" button on the upper right of the screen.

  3. Write a task name to help the litigant remember what the task is about. A task name must be entered.

  4. The "Task Details" field is optional. Be as descriptive as you can to help the litigant remember what they need to do.

  5. The "Task Status" and "Task Due Date" fields are optional. Use these fields to keep track of the litigant's progress and meet deadlines.

  6. The "Task Files" field is optional. There may be files that go with the task such as application documents or court documents. Follow the steps below to add files.

  7. Click the "Save" button.

  8. After clicking "Save", you'll return to the "Tasks" tab.

  9. To add more tasks, repeat steps 3 through 8.

How to view and edit events
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Events" tab, there are two places to see events.

    • There is a rectangle for each event near the top of the page. The rectangle shows the event name, date and time, and location. Click on the event to open it and view the details.

    • There is a Calendar View that shows events on a calendar at the bottom of the page. You may need to change the month at the top left of the calendar to see an event. Click on an event and then click on the "See Details" button to open it.

  3. If you need to make an update, click the "Edit" button.

  4. Make updates to the fields as needed.

    • Note: if you sent yourself a calendar invitation when the event was first created, the calendar invitation will not be updated for any edits you make. You will need to go into your calendar (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc.) and make edits there as well.

  5. Click the "Save" button to save your updates.

  6. To go back to the "Events" tab, click on "Back to (litigant name)" at the top of the screen. For example, if the litigant's name is Sarah Jones, click on "Back to Sarah Jones."

How to add an event
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Events" tab, click the "Add New" button on the upper right of the screen.

  3. Write an event title to help the litigant remember what the event is about. An event title must be entered.

  4. Select the "Event Start Date and Time" and the "Event End Date and Time." Both of these fields are required.

  5. The "Event Location" field is optional. It is a good idea to add location information if the event is in person.

  6. The "Event Description" and "Event Notes" fields are optional. Enter a description and notes that will be helpful to the litigant in the future.

  7. Click the "Save" button.

  8. After clicking "Save", you'll return to the "Events" tab.

  9. To add more events, repeat steps 3 through 8.


If your organization can't give a litigant the help they need, you should refer the litigant to another organization so that they can keep moving forward in their case. You can also add a referral to any organization that provides services that you don't provide.

How to add referrals when you know the organization
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Referrals" tab, click the "Add New" on the upper right of the screen.

  3. If you know the organization where you want to refer the litigant, click the dropdown labeled as "Select" under "Select Referral."

  4. Once clicked, you can type out the name of the organization to narrow down the organization options.

  5. Select the organization name, then click the "Save" button.

The litigant will now have a referral to that organization, with the status automatically populated as “Haven’t contacted yet.” It is up to the litigant to change that status once they contact the organization.

How to add referrals while browsing organization listings
  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Referrals" tab, click the "Add New" on the upper right of the screen.

  3. If you don't know the organization to refer the litigant to, click the "Listings" button under "Not sure which referral to choose?"

  4. This will open a new web browser tab that takes you to the "Listings" page that displays all of the referrals that the Passport can provide.

  5. At the top, you can filter the listings by county, legal issue, focus area, and organization name.

    • Choose the county and case type for the litigant being referred, and any focus area that may be applicable to the litigant, such as LGBTQIA+, survivor of abuse, or immigrant.

    • Certain organizations provide legal services to only the people within their focus areas.

  6. You can then click the name of any of the organizations that come up to see the organization's contact information, counties, focus areas, and description.

    • You can also click the "Legal Issues" tab to see what legal issues they serve, and if they require a conflict check for any of these legal issues.

    • Some organizations may have multiple listings, corresponding to their different programs, with each program having its own legal issues and counties that they serve.

    • Other organizations only have one listing for all their programs.

  7. Once you have determined the referral that best suits your litigant's case, click on your web browser tab titled "Referrals create" to go back to the page to make a referral.

  8. Select the dropdown labeled as "Select" under "Select Referral."

  9. Once clicked, you can type out the name of the organization to narrow down the organization options.

  10. Select the organization name, then click the "Save" button.

The litigant will now have a referral to that organization, with the status automatically populated as “Haven’t contacted yet.” It is up to the litigant to change that status once they contact the organization.

How to view and change referral status

You can change the status of the litigant's referral to your organization to show the litigant where they stand. The litigant might also change the referral status to show you whether they have attempted contact.

  1. On the Passports page, click the Passport that you need to view or update. This will take you to a detailed view of the Passport.

  2. On the "Referrals" tab, you can see all of the referrals made under the "Referrals" section. Each referral will have its own tile.

  3. To make an update, select your organization's tile.

  4. Click the "Edit" button.

  5. Under "Referral Status," select the dropdown to view the list of statuses.

    • The statuses include: Haven't contacted yet, Contacted and waiting to hear back, Appointment scheduled, Accepted for services, Declined for services, Referred me to other providers, They don't provide the services I need.

  6. Click the status that best applies to where the litigant stands.

  7. Select the "Save" button to save any changes.

Last updated