When to Use a Passport

There are many useful ways to use the Justice Passport for your clients. We've included a list of common practice areas so you can get a better idea of when to use it, what to include, and how your cl


Housing counselors who are working with clients dealing with foreclosure can create a brief case summary explaining the situation, including what work the counselor has done. When the client reaches out to legal services, the client can easily read the case summary (or share the entire passport) with the attorney. The attorney will be able to get a clear understanding of what has happened much quicker and have copies of all the documents in a single location. The Justice Passport can help track and organize:

  • Client's application for modification

  • Notice of Intent to Foreclose

  • Order to Docket

  • Communications with servicer

  • Referrals to legal partners

Landlord/Tenant Cases

If the client is being threatened with eviction for not paying their rent, they might have lots of paperwork. If the client met with an MCLA attorney, you can create a case summary that includes the court case number, and a detailed summary of the situation. The Justice Passport can help track and organize:

  • Tasks for the next steps the client needs to take, such as contacting another legal service provider for representation

  • Links to court forms the client needs to complete

  • Court dates or due dates so the client knows when items are due in the case

Files and documents can be uploaded into the “Files” section of the passport. Some examples might include:

  • Money order receipts

  • Court complaints

  • Letters from their landlord

  • Notices from the sheriff

Family Law Cases

If your client does not have an attorney in an ongoing custody battle, the Justice Passport might be able to help them. The client might be facing a number of items that can be tracked and organized, including:

  • Multiple court orders

  • Text messages from the ex-spouse

  • Letters from the child’s school saying they are repeatedly missing school while under the care of the ex-spouse

  • Referrals to legal aid organizations

  • A detailed case summary written by the self-help attorney to help the client explain their story and legal issues to the other legal providers

Domestic Violence

A passport can safely store documents related to a client's case electronically, so if the victim needs to quickly leave their residence, their documents are secure and accessible to them. The Referrals feature can help a person track which providers they have contacted for assistance, without leaving papers lying around.

If you would like to learn more about how the Maryland Justice Passport can help your clients, fill out the contact form or call Civil Justice, Inc. at 443-853-1011.

Last updated