
This article will explain what listings are and show you how to navigate your listings in your Maryland Justice Passport organization account.

What are listings?

Listings are how the Maryland Justice Passport system displays and directs referrals. When service providers choose where to refer their client, they can filter the listings by the client’s legal issue and county to make an informed referral. Listings are separate from organization profiles because some organizations have different programs in different counties, or different staff in other locations.

You need to have at least one listing in order to receive Passport referrals. Many organizations will only need one listing. However, some organizations need more than one listing if the legal issues they accept change based on geographical area, and/or if they have different staff in other geographical areas. See the Additional Listings section for more information.

If you do not see an "Edit" button, that means you don't have the ability to edit your organization's listings because you are not an admin. If you think this is a mistake, contact your supervisor to make you an admin.

How to find your listing(s)
  1. Select the Listings page on the left side of the menu.

  2. Click on "My Listings" underneath the Listings page. This will take you to an overview of all the listings your organization has. You can click into a specific listing to see its details and make updates.

How to make a listing

Once your organization profile is set up, you should create at least one listing so that service providers can refer litigants to your organization.

  1. On the "My Listings" page, select the "Add new" button. This will take you to a new screen where you need to fill out the following information: Organization, Unique Listing Name, Counties, Focus Areas, Description, Notes for Providers, and Pinging On/Off.

    • The Unique Listing Name will be added after your organization name to differentiate it from your organization's other listings. For example: If your organization is ABC Legal Aid and you enter in Expungement, the name of the listing will be "ABC Legal Aid - Expungement."

    • If you have a focus area that isn't listed, contact to have it added to the list.

    • If Pinging is on, the litigant will be expecting your organization to reach out to them using the contact information in their Passport. If pinging is off, the litigant will reach out to your organization to seek assistance. See pinging section for more information.

  2. Click the "Save" button to save your updates.

  3. After you click "Save," you are taken to an overview of the new listing. When you click back to the "My Listings" page, you can see the new listing is added.

Additional listings

You only need to create more than one listing if your services or staff change based on eligibility criteria – geographic area, income guidelines, etc. If you want to modify conflict checks, point(s) of contact, or case types for programs with the same criteria, do so within the listing using the legal issues feature. If your services or staff do change based on eligibility criteria or geographical area, create a listing for each program, with all appropriate details for each one.

If you need to make another listing, follow instructions on how to make a listing.

After adding in a listing, you need to include at least one legal issue to the listing. If all of the legal issues in your program have the same point(s) of contact and the same need (or not) for conflict checks, you can add them all at once. If legal issues have different point(s) of contact, or if some legal issues need a conflict check and others don’t, add the legal issues separately.

If conflict check is required for the legal issue, the point(s) of contact will receive an email notification and have access to limited client information to conduct the conflict check. If the client is approved, staff can have full view of the Passport. If conflict check is not required, staff can view the client's Passport once it's been referred.

How to update conflict check preferences
  1. On the "My Listings" page, select the Listing Name that needs its legal issue's conflict check updated. This will take you to an overview of the listing.

  2. Click the "Legal Issues" tab.

  3. Select the Legal Issue that needs its conflict check updated. This will take you to a detailed view of the Legal Issue.

  4. Click on the "Conflict Check" tab.

  5. Select the "Edit" button.

  6. Click the dropdown menu underneath the "Conflict Check Required?" section to reveal "Yes" or "No" as options. Select the one that applies to your legal issue.

  7. Select the "Save" button to save your updates.

How to update points of contact
  1. On the "My Listings" page, select the Listing Name that needs its legal issue's points of contact updated. This will take you to an overview of the listing.

  2. Click the "Legal Issues" tab.

  3. Select the Legal Issue that needs its points of contact updated. This will take you to a detailed view of the Legal Issue.

  4. Click on the "Points of Contact" tab.

  5. Select the "Edit" button.

  6. You can add a point of contact by selecting the dropdown menu under the Points of Contact section and clicking on the staff member's name.

    • Your options for points of contact come from the staff list in your organization profile. You can add as many people as you’d like. If you don’t see a name you’re looking for, add it to your staff list People page on how to add staff for instructions).

  7. You can also remove a point of contact by clicking the "X" next to their name under the Points of Contact section.

  8. Click the "Save" button to save your updates.

What is pinging?

Pinging is what we call referral partners getting access to the Passports of litigants who are referred to your listing. If you turn pinging on, your point(s) of contact will get emailed about new clients and get access to each new Passport. If you turn pinging off, no one at your organization will receive notifications or access to Passports referred to your listing. The litigant will see your organization’s information in their referral and reach out to you.

How to update pinging preferences
  1. On the "My Listings" page, select the Listing Name that requires a pinging preference update. This will take you to an overview of the listing.

  2. Click the "Pinging" tab.

  3. Select the "Edit" button.

  4. Click on the dropdown menu underneath the Pinging On/Off section to reveal "On" or "Off" as options. Select the one that applies for your listing.

  5. Click the "Save" button to save your updates.

Last updated